NEW YORK: The United States Department of State has appraised the efforts of Pakistan armed forces and said that terrorist attacks in Pakistan decreased in 2017.
According to the reports terrorists attacks decreased in Pakistan significantly in 2017 and all the terrorist organizations including al Qaeda have weakened following the operations by Pakistan armed forces in tribal area of the country.
The report further said terrorist attacks took place in 100 countries but 59 percent of all the attacks too place in five countries including Pakistan, India, Iraq, Afghanistan and Philippines and 70 percent of all the death due to terrorist attacks took place in five countries including Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Iraq and Nigeria.
The total number of terrorist attack worldwide decreased by 23 percent and total deaths due to terrorist attacks decreased by 27 percent, the report said.
Earlier, in September USA finalized to cancel dollar 300 million in aid to Pakistan that had been suspended over Islamabad’s perceived failure to take decisive action against militants.
The so-called Coalition Support Funds (CSF) were part of a broader suspension in aid to Pakistan announced by President Donald Trump at the start of the year, when he accused Pakistan of rewarding past assistance with nothing but lies and deceit.
On the contrary the US officials said that Pakistan could win back the support if it changed its behavior.